The culmination of our annual activities is realised on our national summer machaneh (Netzer Youth Camp) where madrichim and channichim learn about being informed Jewish South Africans. Summer machaneh is the time of the year where Netzer South Africa creates the Progressive leaders of tomorrow.

Netzers aims are to educate, grapple with and consciously strive for; the Jewish notion of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), being proud Progressive Jews, empowering the youth, being Proudly South African and ensuring we are active Reform Zionists.

10 days may sound like a long time but by the end of camp you’ll be wishing it was twice that. Machaneh might just be the best 10 days you have ever had.

The channichim are split into 4 age groups, each with their own awesome madrichim, there to make camp as exciting, challenging and interesting as possible.

Within these groups is where you will make some of the closest friends imaginable and will share memories and experiences unlike anything before.

The Netzer Youth camp is filled with loads of fun and educational activities as well as sessions where our channichim are able to learn a new skill whether it be in music, art or something completely different.

Some big days on Netzer Youth camp include Tikkun Olam Day, Reform Zionism Day, Progressive Judaism Day and Tiyul.
Although our most famous event is most definitely Colour Wars. The Blue Team facing off against The Red Team, in a day full of games designed to test what our channichim are made of. Each round consisting of 2 games being of either physical or intellectual in competition.

If you can’t find us at the campsite it is most probably because we have walked down to the dam to cool off from what is sure to be one hot camp. Of course what would be the point of hosting Machaneh in Cape Town if we didn’t throw in a few visits to the beach every few days so don’t forget your towel and sunscreen.

When everything starts drawing to a close don’t worry as you will be able to party the last night of camp away at our annual Last Night Disco and you will forget any notion of sadness you had about camp ending.

Netzer South Africa Machaneh is definitely the best way to spend the December Holidays. Fun, sunshine and the best friends you could ever ask for.

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