Welcome to Our Community

Welcome to Beit David

About our Shul

Beit David (formerly Temple David) is a Jewish Synagogue in Durban and home to the Durban Progressive Jewish Congregation (DPJC).

Established over 60 years ago, the synagogue serves the needs of a small but vibrant community. Weekly Shabbat and festival services as well as life-cycle events are conducted by the serving rabbi.

We nurture our members’ Jewish identities with dedication to Torah, traditions, and each other. We encourage every member, new and old, to connect with our multi-generational, multi-cultural, diverse community.

Kabbalat Shabbat

Weekly Friday night service.Enquire at office for more details.

Shabbat Morning

Shabbat morning torah service every Saturday morning.
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44 KE Masinga Road, (Previously Old Fort Road) Durban