Conversion to Judaism

Most people are familiar with Judaism’s history as a religion that does not actively proselytize, does not seek out converts. A would-be convert must be sincerely committed to the Jewish faith and its tenets.

The process leading to conversion begins with a period of study. This includes study of Jewish history, lore and religious practice. The level of commitment required of a convert will be the same as that expected of a Jew by birth, a convert will be expected to live up to the same standard of practice as a Reform Jew. A male convert will also undergo circumcision (this is considered optional); if he is already circumcised, he undergoes a symbolic pinprick at the place of the circumcision. Finally the new convert is given a Hebrew name, ———-ben or bat Avraham Avinu/son or daughter of Abraham Our Father.

The convert is then considered a fully-fledged Jew. She is welcomed as one who has begun life over again. Any of the privileges, rights, and responsibilities that a Jew by birth has are the same for a “Jew by choice.”